Individual Resources

A strong food system makes fresh food accessible to everybody. If you or someone you know needs to feed families, individuals, kids, or seniors – programs, pantries, food delivery, grocery programs and farm to table is available.

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PA 211 Provides 24/7 Basic Needs Resources


Lehigh Valley locations are offering the federally-funded Summer Food Service Program for children or private free programs. Meals in the federally-funded Summer Food Service Program will be served to any child between the age of 1 and 18 years old free of charge at open sites. Please contact the private or enrolled programs for age restrictions and enrollment information.

Call 2-1-1 to be connected to food resources in the Lehigh Valley.

The Dexter F. and Dorothy H. Baker Foundation has provided a $5,000 grant for increasing summer meals participation, improving food security and enhancing child nutrition.