Individual Resources
A strong food system makes fresh food accessible to everybody. If you or someone you know needs to feed families, individuals, kids, or seniors – programs, pantries, food delivery, grocery programs and farm to table is available.
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School District Meals
Many schools offer breakfast, lunch and after-school snacks or meals! Even if your child doesn’t receive SNAP or Medicaid, your child may be eligible for free or reduced meals. Child nutrition programs and WIC are open to all income-eligible children and does not depend on any immigration status. Please contact your local school district to learn about the child nutrition programs offered and to apply for free/reduced meals. If your child attends an after-school program at an organization, check with that organization to see if they offer after school snacks or meals.
Food Resources for Seniors
Our priority is to make food accessible to seniors in the safest way possible. Click the link below to find senior food resources near you. If you do not use a pantry on a regular basis, please call the pantry to verify the days and hours of distribution – changes can happen quickly!
Meal Resources for Families
Food is Available! Finding a place to help is important when your money for food runs out or you face an unexpected situation in life. Food pantries are just one of the resources to help you provide healthy food for those times. Click the link below to find these resources near you. If you select a pantry to visit, please call the pantry or check their Facebook page to verify the days and hours of distribution – changes happen quickly!
SNAP and Public Benefits
Experiencing a food emergency and need money in your food budget? SNAP can help!
Organizational Resources
Are you part of a larger group or organization that would like to help our mission? Find out what you can do!
Lehigh Valley locations are offering the federally-funded Summer Food Service Program for children or private free programs. Meals in the federally-funded Summer Food Service Program will be served to any child between the age of 1 and 18 years old free of charge at open sites. Please contact the private or enrolled programs for age restrictions and enrollment information.
Call 2-1-1 to be connected to food resources in the Lehigh Valley.
The Dexter F. and Dorothy H. Baker Foundation has provided a $5,000 grant for increasing summer meals participation, improving food security and enhancing child nutrition.