Latest Past Events

The Neighborhood Center

The Neighborhood Center 902 Philadelphia Road, Easton

902 Philadelphia Road18042 Easton
Every Friday, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month:

Fridays 9-12PM; Wednesday 4-6PM
(610) 253-4253

The Neighborhood Center

The Neighborhood Center 902 Philadelphia Road, Easton

902 Philadelphia Road18042 Easton
Every Friday, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month:

Fridays 9-12PM; Wednesday 4-6PM
(610) 253-4253

Whole Life Center

Whole Life Center 1650 Lehigh Street18042, Easton

1650 Lehigh Street18042 Easton
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month:

11 AM- 2 PM
(610) 253-1651