Food Access

Food Access

Making sure everyone has access to fresh healthy food.



Protecting and supporting policy that promotes a strong, diverse, and resilient local food system from farm to table.



Building opportunities to create a larger, more consistent local food supply that serves the long term needs of our community.



Strengthening government, school district, community organization, and consumer relationships to increase visibility and best utilize resource in public programs.

There are currently 200+ food resources on this site!

We Support a Strong Local Food System

Together we make up the food policy council. We engage communities to identify gaps and barriers in the local food system, implement strategies and track progress.

Food Access

Food Access

Food Respect & Recovery

Food Respect & Recovery

Urban Farms & Community Gardens

Urban Farms & Community Gardens

Farm to School

Farm to School

Thriving Local Food Economy

Thriving Local Food Economy

Kids Eat Free LV

Kids Eat Free LV

Our Community Impact

meals delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic

of Farmable Land was protected

Fresh Food Locations in our communities

Reaching Our Goals in 2030

Creating an impact starts with you. Together we have collective impact with a common agenda, shared measures of success, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and support.

53.8 tons of food was diverted from landfills to pantries and meal programs! 

Visiting a Roadside Farm Stand

Watch to see what goodies we found!